What is PoMiSA?
The POMISA project aims to contribute to the advancement of higher education and workforce development in Southern Africa by unlocking the potential of micro-credentials. Through collaborative efforts and strategic initiatives, the project seeks to establish a robust framework for the recognition, quality assurance, and regulation of micro-credentials, ultimately fostering innovation, mobility, and economic growth in the region.
Core Objective
Develop higher education capacity in and through micro-credential policy development in Southern African countries
Specific Objective
Develop micro-credential principles and guidelines for good practice to support the systemic introduction of micro-credentials in national systems in Southern African countries
In the long-term, smoother and more efficient interactions between and within education sectors and the world of work, and improved matches between the knowledge and skills that employers desire and those that learners have and may acquire, will result in enhanced youth employability and worker upskilling
What are Micro-Credentials?
Micro-credentials are bite-sized qualifications that recognize learning achievements and skills gained through both formal and informal avenues. From industry-relevant certifications to specialized skill sets, micro-credentials offer flexible pathways for learners to enhance their employability and personal growth.
Our Approach
Our approach is rooted in collaboration, research, and stakeholder engagement. Through a series of comprehensive activities and work packages, we delve into the nuances of micro-credentialing within the Southern African context. From policy development to stakeholder consultations, our efforts are geared towards fostering an inclusive and responsive higher education ecosystem.
Contact Us
PoMiSA is led by the University of Johannesburg and supported by JET Education Services. For more information please email us at pomisa@hec.mu
Co-funded by the European Union.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
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